Volunteer in the warehouse the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings of the month.
You are welcome to come anytime between 6 and 8 pm.
Please call 267-203-8074 to sign up.
THANK YOU for participating in the School Kit Challenge. We had donations of over 2000 kits!
Your generosity is making a difference and giving children the opportunity of an education.
Renaldo Ndayizigiye (greenish white dress) and Acquiline Ndayishimiye(red dress) lead their class in a game during recess at the Nursery section of Hope School in Nyangungu, Burundi. (MCC Photo/Matthew Lester)
Working in community, our volunteers work alongside Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) to share God’s love with people in need.
Relief kits provide valuable supplies to families whose lives have been disrupted by war or disaster. Practical gifts of soap, towels and other useful items help people know they are not alone; someone cares about them.
Read MoreFamilies receive hand-made comforters made by our volunteers. Donated fabric is cut into squares and sewn into tops for comforters that are knotted and bound.
Read MoreRefugees and others receive canned meat that is provided by our meat-canning process.
Read MoreDonations of cardboard, clothing, bric-a-brac, and medical equipment and books are sorted and baled in the warehouse before being sold to brokers and shipped to other countries.
Read MoreVolunteers cut donated 100 % cotton t-shirts into rag sized pieces. These rags are sold to local business people such as plumbers and mechanics.
Read MoreSewists Needed to sew kit bags and dignity kit pad holders.
The Harleysville MRC is one of several MCC satellite operations. around the USA and Canada recycling, repurposing and providing necessary material resources to further God’s mission.
Volunteer Hours
Relief Kits
Hygiene Kits
Cans of Meat
School Kits
Infant Care Kits
Food Boxes
Handcrafted gifts made with new and repurposed materials are made by volunteer craftspeople. Available for purchase at the Darning Egg Gifts Shop in MRC Harleysville.
The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches sharing God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ. Through its work responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice, MCC envisions communities worldwide in right relationship with God, one another and creation.
737 Hagey Center Dr. Unit C, Souderton, PA
Monday - Thursday, 9am to 3pm